CEM DT-239 湿度计
制造商: CEM Model: DT-239 来源: China 保障: 12 Month - 联系
Pinless Moisture Measurement
Range: 0 to 99.9 (Relative)
Accuracy (of reading): ±5%
Resolution: 0.1
Pinless Depth: up to 0.75" (19mm)
IR Temperature Measurement
Range: -50 to 200°C (-58 to 392°F)
Distance to Spot size: 8:1 Distance to Spot size
Emissivity: 0.95
Response Time: Less than 1 second
Resolution: 0.1
Basic Accuracy: ±3.5°C(±6.3°F)
Air Temperature Measurement
Air Temp Range: -28 to 77℃/-20 to 170℉
Basic Accuracy: ±2℃/3.6℉
Humidity Range: 0 to 100%RH
Basic Accuracy: ±5%RH at 0% to 20% and 80% to 100%
±3.5%RH at 20% to 80%
Vapor Pressure: 0 to 20.0kPA
Dew Point: -22 to 199°F (-30 to 100°C)
Mixing ratio: 0 to 999GPP (0 to 160g/kg)
Size(HxWxD): 170mm x 70mm x 38mm
Weight: 280g
Accessories: Gift Box with Carrying Case.
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