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Tonghui TH2810D LCR测试仪 (100Hz~10kHz)

Test Parameter: L-Q, C-D, R-Q, Z|-Q

Basic Accuracy: 0.1%

Equivalents Circuit: Series, parallel

Mathematical Functions: Deviation and Percent Deviation 

Trigger Mode: Internal, Manual and External 

Measurement Speed: Fast: 12, Med: 5.1, Slow: 2.5 (meas/ sec)

Measurement Terminals: Five Terminals

Test Frequency: 100Hz,120Hz,1kHz,10kHz, Accuracy 0.01%

Measurement Display Range:

- |Z|, R: 0.1mΩ - 99.99MΩ

- C: 

100Hz/120Hz 1pF - 99999μ F

1kHz 0.1pF - 9999.9μ F

10kHz 0.01pF - 999.99μ F

- L:

100Hz/120Hz 1µH - 99999H

1kHz 0.1µH - 9999.9H

10kHz 0.01µH - 999.99H

- D: 0.0001 - 9.999

- Q: 0.0001 - 9999

- Δ%: -999.99% - 999.99%

Operation Temperature & Humidity: 0°C - 40°C, ≤90%RH

Power Requirements:

- Voltage: 99V - 121V, 198V - 242V

- Frequency: 47.5Hz - 63Hz

Power Consumption: ≤20 VA

Dimensions (W×H×D): 270mmx130mmx300mm

Weight: Approx. 3.7kg 


Instrument Accessories

TH26001A 4 terminal test fixture

TH26004-1 4 terminal Kelvin test clip leads

TH26010 Gilded shorting plate


TH26005A 4 terminal test fixture

TH26006 Axial component test module

TH26007A Core inductor test fixture

TH26008A SMD component test fixture

TH26009B SMD Kelvin test tweezers

TH26029B SMD Kelvin test tweezers

TH26011A 4 terminal Kelvin test clip leads



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  • 送货到家
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